Tag: resume

Resume Writing – How to Survive the 5 Second Scan

As a recruiter who receives 100s of resumes a week, I can assure you that you want your resume to survive the “5 second scan”.   This is the average amount of time a recruiter spends looking at each resume before  sorting it into one of two piles:  YES or NO.

How to ensure your resume is a YES

To survive and ensure you have the best odds of hitting the YES pile, follow these simple rules: Continue reading

How to Ace your Next Job Interview

No interaction is more important to landing your dream job than the interview.

Get a Head StartWPS Candidate Headstart

One of the most valuable advantages that a candidate gains when they apply through Whistler Personnel rather than directly to a company is that our client relationships allow us to give candidates an inside glimpse of the prospective employer.

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